Personal Energy Program By Sedena Cappannelli 

As seen streaming on Gaiam TV and on

If we focus on prevention we won’t have to work so hard down the road fixing our bodies from disrepair and disease….the way to avoid this is to raise our level of wellness.”

P.E.P. – Personal Energy Program – Rejuvenation, Enlivened-Ageing & Beauty From the Inside-Out

Go Beyond Aging to Look and Feel Younger and Vitally Alive At Any Age!

 GenXers, Boomers, & Beyond!

List Price: $19.98 plus shipping
About The DVDSedena Cappannelli’s PEP is a ground-breaking, 3-part personal wellnesssystem that will help you look and feel younger, more energized and focused than ever before. Sedena guides you through deceptively simple, yet powerful movements distilled from eastern and contemporary energy practices. These meditative movements calm your mind, energize your body and enliven your spirit. True health and beauty begin from a deep sense of wellness on the inside.

Your face and body will glow with renewed health, energy, balance and peace by practicing this easy series of movements that will change your life. The Program begins with a rejuvenating warm up, that will bring fresh energy into every cell of your body. The floor exercises will stretch and relax your body with a combination of yoga, Chi Kung and Tibetan movements. The Standing Exercises are deeply healing for your internal systems and organs.

PEP helps you to achieve remarkable benefits:

  • Stress hormones are reduced, greater stamina and flexibility
  • Reduction and eventual elimination of fatigue, depression, andanemia
  • Increased physical strength, vitality, range of motion
  • Increased mental acuity, focus and alertness
  • Anti-aging hormones are released into the system
  • Immune system is enhanced, increased circulation and resistance toillness
  • Delivers vital energy to the brain and nervous system
  • Ease in anxiety and insomnia – Reduces need for sleep
  • Memory improvement

“This is better than coffee!” Greg Spivey