MISSION AgeNation is a global, organization committed to providing the very best in information, inspiration and engagement to a rapidly growing audience of older GenXers, Boomers and elders who are committed to living vital, successful and conscious lives.
So if you want to contribute, laugh, love, enjoy, be inspired and make a difference; if you want to learn new skills, explore new career opportunities, expand your talents, share what you know, create, participate in great entertainment events and conferences, and meet other terrific people whose hearts also know that we can do a better job of creating a better world then be a part of AgeNation —it’s a state of mind, a new way of being
and both virtual and real communities dedicated to making the best of this precious gift called life… read more > |
TEAM The AgeNation Team is lead by Co-Founders, George and Sedena well-known authors, consultants and coaches, and artists. The Cappannelli’s have spent more than 25 years working on behalf of individual, organizational and societal change with hundreds of thousands of people, hundreds of leading organizations in both the private and public sectors, (e.g. Boeing, Disney, PepsiCo, NASA, Sun MicroSystems, Los Angeles Times, U.S. Navy, Department of Defense, etc), and a number of world leaders…
COLLABORATORS AgeNation is pleased to collaborate with and support organizations whose missions and high levels of commitment to quality and excellence are compatible with our own. Empower New Mexico, The Dream Project, Celerity Schools, HeartMath, The Alzheimer’s Association, The Seva Foundation, Milagros at Los Luceros are just a few of these organizations.
In collaboration with these and other organizations AgeNation seeks to demonstrate a new model of private and public sector cooperation to address some the most pressing challenges of our time and to take advantage of some of the remarkable opportunities that will present themselves on the road ahead…