Hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner explore another provocative topic – Whose Beliefs Are Living You. The take on another fundamental truth, that many of us lead our lives based on beliefs and many of the beliefs we base our lives upon do not originate with us. As if this was not already challenging enough, even the beliefs we adopt we rarely revisit, rarely recalibrate and re-evaluate depending on the stage of life we are living, the people we are living with and the consequences these beliefs have on the quality of our lives and the dreams we have come here to manifest. Today you’ll also hear the next part of a conversation Alan had with wise man and author Thomas Moore on his new book, A Religion Of One’s Own. Sedena offers more tips in her Enlivened Ageing Series. George and Alan bring you their You’ve Got To Be Kidding segment, Alan will close with another Rudy Rap. And as always, some great music.
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