[Originally broadcast on Saturday, February 19th, 2011, on KTRC 1260, Santa Fe]
This week Faren’s guest will be Mariel Nanasi, Executive Director of the New Energy Economy. This organization has been extremely active in focusing attention on greenhouse gas emissions in New Mexico, the health related effects of the coal burning power plants, and the subsequent emissions controls and a carbon cap as proposed by the Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) this past year. New Energy Economy is dedicated to creating economic opportunity in New Mexico powered by clean energy. Synapse Energy Economics released a new study that calculates New Mexico will add $2 billion to the state’s economy and create 17,500 jobs through 2020 by reducing carbon pollution. We’ll also get an inside perspective on the current battles waging in the New Mexico Legislature caused by Governor Susanna Martinez’ attempts to override much of the great environmental work that’s been accomplished here in recent years.
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