AgeNation - Inspiring the hearts & minds, and enriching the lives of baby boomers, elders, & seniors
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Drop Expectations

Drop Expectations

Jun. 10 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner talk about Dropping Expectations and how this one change can open up whole new levels of opportunity and possibility in your life. Join Alan and George for another very provocative and informative...

Let Passion Lead

Let Passion Lead

May. 22 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner talk about Letting Passion Lead and how it can be a doorway to a life of much greater meaning and satisfaction. Join Alan and George for another very provocative and informative interview with Alan...

Going For It

Going For It

May. 22 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner talk about Going For It and the power we inherit when we increase our commitment to the things we value and the life we were born to live. Join Alan and George for a very provocative and informative...

Celebrating The Silence

Celebrating The Silence

May. 12 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner talk about Celebrating The Silence and look at the need to turn away from the noise of the world to discover the natural wisdom and rhythms of life and to find the real music between the notes. Join...

The Transformative Power of Yes

The Transformative Power of Yes

May. 11 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner talk about The Transformative Power of Yes and look this powerful three letter word and how it can lead to a life of genuine empowerment and creative expression. Join George for another segment of...

Dreams vs Desires

Dreams vs Desires

Apr. 24 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner talk about Dreams vs. Desires and look at the difference between these two things and how one leads to freedom, the other to bondage. The featured interview this week is next part of a wonderful conversation....

Mastering The Three Great Illusions

Mastering The Three Great Illusions

Apr. 22 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner talk about how to master The Three Great Illusions – We’re going to look our attachment to the illusions of control, safety and security and how these attachments limit our lives. The featured...

Crazy Wisdom

Crazy Wisdom

Apr. 8 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner talk about Crazy Wisdom and look at the freedom we can inherit when we walk outside the lines of reason and logic and how our worship of these two somewhat limited gods may be limiting our lives. The...

The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey

Apr. 8 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner look at The Hero’s Journey and explore the difference between believing and knowing.  The featured interview this week is second part of a wonderful conversation with Barbara Marx Hubbard Sedena...

Whose Beliefs Are You Living

Whose Beliefs Are You Living

Apr. 4 | This week co-hosts George Cappannelli and Alan Hutner look at a powerful topic – Whose Beliefs Are You Living and invite us to discover how we can lead a more authentic and original life by paying attention to our beliefs and where they come from. ...